IDENER, as the dissemination leader of FUDIPO project and partner of COCOP project, will be attending the final conference of MONSOON project, which is called “Digitized Operations for Sustainable Process Industries Pathway Towards INDUSTRY 4.0”. This conference will be held in Turin (Italy) on September 20th 2019. The workshop will be focused on presenting some results from EU funded projects on digital operations in process industries and plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes, where IDENER is a key partner.
Thus, the four projects (FUDIPO, COCOP, MONSOON, and COPRO) funded under SPIRE-02-2016 will present major objectives and outcomes. The workshop will include also a poster session.
Registration will be opened soon, do not miss your seat!
#turin #digitalization #sustainable #industry #h2020 #sustainability #industry4 #savethedate