The European Research and Innovation projects COCOP (Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Processes) and FUDIPO ( FUture DIrections of production Planning and Optimised energy- and process industries ) organised their final workshop to be held at TU Dortmund University in Germany. Finally, the meeting was held on-line to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.
The objective of the workshop is to present the EU perspective on digital operations in process industries and discuss plant-wide monitoring & control of data-intensive processes, the scope of SPIRE-02-2016 projects.
On the 10th and 11th of March, COCOP and FUDIPO presented their vision, objectives, approach and the solutions implemented for different process industry (Steel, Copper, Pulp & Paper, Oil Refining, Heat and Power plants and Waste-Water treatment), evaluating their impact on quality and resources/energy efficiency and analysing their transferability to other sectors.
Moreover, CoPro, MONSOON and MORSE projects, all working in similar areas, will also be present in the meeting, providing insight on their projects. As a direct consequence, we will gather in this event some of the latest advances done within SPIRE in improving the efficiency of the process industries through advanced control and optimisation.
On the 12th of March, different online workshops were held. The consortium of FUDIPO project had a separate Workshop for the exploitation plan in which Key Results and Key Exploitable Results were identified and described in detail. Another workshop in data handling helped to understand how data should be collected, stored and filtered was discussed in depth.