On May 18 and 19, the kick-off meeting of the European project NOVAFOODIES “DemoNstratiOn of innoVative Functional fOOD productIon systEmS based on a sustainable value chain of marine and freshwater raw materials for conscientious European consumers” took place, which has been funded by the Horizon Europe program of European Commission within the Topic: “HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-05-two-stage”. After a long period of preparation of the proposal and evaluation, the partners were finally able to see their work rewarded and were able to meet at this event, which took place in Seville under the organization of the coordinator IDENER.
NOVAFOODIES, with a duration of 36 months and a budget of around 6 million euros, is an ambitious project that aims to transform the value chain of food production from aquaculture resources, to achieve new functional food products for human consumption based on sustainable, transparent and inclusive production processes.
In this first event that brought together the representatives of the 28 partners that compose the consortium, after its opening by the coordinator María González-Moya (IDENER), the different partners presented themselves with the aim of publicizing the capacities of each one and situate themselves within the project. After that, the presentations of the different work packages and discussions within them took place to align the work to be done and discuss the next steps. In this way, after this first approach, the consortium begins with strength and motivation to work on the first tasks of the project, among which we can find the development of the project website and the launch of social networks to keep you up to date with all our activities and results. “It was a very gratifying event, especially due to the face-to-face contact with the partners and the human approach that this entails” – comments the project coordinator.
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! We keep going!
María González-Moya, Augusto Márquez, María Tripiana (speakers from IDENER)
The complete list of partners can be found in the first pages of Grant Agreement.