ISLANDER General Assembly celebrated last September

On the 20th and 21st of September 2023, the General Assembly of the ISLANDER project took place in a hybrid format, where Alejandro Trujillo and Axel Bruck represented IDENER. The first day was mainly used to update the entire consortium on the in-depth progress of each work package. Additionally, general questions, concerns and reminders were raised that matter to the entire consortium.

The second day was dedicated to meetings regarding specific topics. As the WP2 leader, IDENER initiated a meeting among all WP2 partners to discuss open questions and stress the importance of a timely deployment of the systems on the island of Borkum. IDENER’s tasks, i.e., the PV and battery installations in 30 households and the hydrogen system, are currently being finished and on track with the planning, respectively. Furthermore, IDENER established an essential meeting with NBG, the utility company on Borkum, to resolve open questions about the hydrogen system. Even though IDENER could not attend the GA in person, significant progress could be achieved in terms of resolving open questions and challenges.