Digital intelligence for unlocking the energy saving potential in manufacturing systems.

Project DENIM: Digital intelligence for collaborative energy management in manufacturing.
DENIM develops an interoperable digital intelligence platform enabling a collaborative approach to industrial energy management. To do so, DENIM provides an integrated toolchain to provision advanced digital services including secure Edge connectivity leveraging IoT, data analytics, digital twin, energy modelling and automation culminating in the delivery of continuous energy impact assessment, together with energy control and optimization across existing production facilities, processes and machines.
DENIM identifies skills gaps and develops training to build competences to support energy sustainability in Smart manufacturing processes through the seamless integration of digital technologies, education, and training activities. In view of considering the human factor, DENIM consider existing and future regulations from a data protection, legal, ethical and energy policy perspectives, which informs the DENIM technological developments and pilot site interventions.
In essence, DENIM accelerates energy efficiency transformation in manufacturing systems by enabling the right information and right technology to be available at the right time and in the right form, made accessible to the right people, empowering smart energy efficient decision-making within factories and across entire value chains.
DENIM leverages the concept of process integration, taking a holistic approach to energy efficient manufacturing systems management and considers the interactions between the business, technology, infrastructure, and the workforce through the use of engineered systems that integrate both operational technologies and information technologies to accurately identify and map energy flows across the complete manufacturing value chain facilitating the integration of energy efficiency into existing business processes through digitalization. This will result in a significant reduction of energy across diverse industrial sectors with substantial cost savings derived from optimized operation.
Our main tasks
- Semantic Modelling for Interoperability and Sharing Energy Data
- DENIM Architecture and Technical Specifications
- Hybrid Cloud Ready Infrastructure
- Analytic and Data Processing Services
- Software development methodology and quality assurance
- DENIM Platform Integration
Start date – finish date
11 / 2020 - 10 / 2024

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 958339