AFTERLIFE project kicks off, 11-12 Sept 2017

AFTERLIFE project kicks off, 11-12 Sept 2017


AFTERLIFE project kicks off, 11-12 Sept 2017

AFTERLIFE kick-off meeting was held last 11-12th September, at the Hotel Palace, in Bari (Italy)

During the first part of the meeting, partners introduced themselves and general aspects of the project were discussed, with the participation of the BBI-JU project officer, Pilar Llorente Ruiz de Azua, representing European Commission.

The external expert advisory board (EEAB) was confirmed with new suggestions from bio-plastics large producers, plastic compounders, filtration systems providers and water management.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to technical aspects, as well as administrative and execution issues. Then, the work packages were described by the leaders of each one. IDENER, as WP5 leader presented the work to be done in “Integrated process design and MDO optimisation”. A brainstorming/open discussion closed the meeting.

Thereby, this first meeting has opened this 4-year interesting project, aimed to develop Advanced Filtration TEchnologies for the Recovery and Later conversIon of relevant Fractions from wastEwater.