Attending circular economy event: reducing, reusing, recycling opportunities, Oslo, 19 September 2017

Attending circular economy event: reducing, reusing, recycling opportunities, Oslo, 19 September 2017


Attending circular economy event: reducing, reusing, recycling opportunities, Oslo, 19 September 2017

IDENER attended to H2020 Business opportunities in the circular economy event, which took place last 19th September in Oslo.

The first part of the event consisted on the following presentations:

– Introduction to the circular economy (Marit Aursand, research director, SINTEF Ocean)

– EU policy news – Circular economy: State of the implementation and way forward (Maria Rincon, policy officer, European Commision DG Environment)

– Presentation of H2020 project Urbanrec (Ana Palanca Roig, Aimplas)

– H2020 Working programs 2018-2020 with relevant calls for proposals (Janicke Giaever, Inderjit Singh Marjara and Tor Einar Johnsen, The Research Council of Norway)

After this introductory part, several interesting specific presentations took place in three concrete areas:

  • Waste: recycling, reuse and recovery
  • A waste smart society
  • Alternative sources and efficient use of energy and materials

At the end of the meeting, we participated in the matchmaking session, where we had the pleasure of meeting with companies as Norland Research Institute, Novobiom, Institute for Energy technology (IFE), Latvian Environmental Investment Fund, SENVI and REMATHOLDING.

We had a very good day trip, deeping and strenghtening our konwledge in the circular economy concepts and business lines.