“COCOP” project kick off

“COCOP” project kick off

Project Kickoff

“COCOP” project kick off

The COCOP project started on October 1st and the Kick of Meeting was from 4th to 5th of October 2016 in Brussels.

During the first day. the partners presented their organisations and the future meetings were discussed. In parallel to the meeting, the steering committee assembly was also held.

During the second day, Boliden and Gerdau presented the demonstration plants and the project officer described the SPIRE instrument. Later, the work package presentations took place. IDENER, as WP2 leader, gave a presentation about the organisation and future steps in this work package, which is concentrated on requirement specifications, setting a baseline and social innovation concepts as ensuring stakeholder commitment, end user and key personnel integration, making sure that all project partners and use case key personnel provide requirements, etc.

The next meeting will be a workshop about SIDENOR case study from 7th to 8th of November 2016 in Bilbao.