IDENER attends MSP-REFRAM project final conference

IDENER attends MSP-REFRAM project final conference


IDENER attends MSP-REFRAM project final conference

MSP-REFRAM project final conference was held in Brussels on 9-10th March. This was the last and more important meeting as results and conclussions of all studies and analysis carried out in the project were presented and discussed with experts and general public.

The final project conference aimed at answering the following questions:

  • Why are tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium and rhenium important to our society?
  • What are the main resources in Europe, both primary and secondary?
  • How are these metals being produced today?
  • Are they substitutable?
  • Could we improve the European independence in their supply and increase production? How?

More information about the event as well as downloadable presentations here