IDENER attends PROMETIA First General Assembly

IDENER attends PROMETIA First General Assembly


IDENER attends PROMETIA First General Assembly

An international group of leading actors in the mining and recycling sector met in Marcoule, France, on 16-17 December 2014 to sign the formal constitution for the creation of PROMETIA: the Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy and Recycling Innovation Association. The initial 18 members that came together for the first General Assembly on 16 December comprised industry, SMEs, research organisations and academic bodies. IDENER, as founding member of the association participated in such an event.

The General Assembly was followed by the first PROMETIA Scientific Seminar on Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy on 17 December. Experts from the mineral processing and extractive metallurgy gave presentations on environmental issues and valorisation, recycling strategic metals at product end of life, polymetallic ores hydrometallurgical processing, challenges for future mineral processing, recent progress achieved in pyrometallurgy, mineral bio-processing, solvent extraction, pilot platforms and valorisation of mining and metallurgical wastes.