IDENER attends second review meeting of LAW-TRAIN project, Israel 13-15th June 2017

IDENER attends second review meeting of LAW-TRAIN project, Israel 13-15th June 2017


IDENER attends second review meeting of LAW-TRAIN project, Israel 13-15th June 2017

LAW-TRAIN project, whose objective is to develop a virtual interview training system for law enforcement units involved in anti drug trafficking, had its second review meeting last 13-15th June in Israel

This was a big opportunity to exchange of expertise among the consortium members, best practices, state of the art and progress in the individual work packages. The objective of the meeting was on one hand to present and assess the progress of all work packages of LAW-TRAIN which have been conducted during the last six months, to discuss open issues and jointly outline the work required in the following months.

One of the most interesting things done in this visit to Israel was a guided tour through the National Police Academy to provide insights of a police students’ life and their work as academy’s trainers. This excursion was especially interesting for IDENER because it further supported an integral view from the end users’ perspective.

The last day, after a review of the work done during the last year, a showcase of the developed 3D virtual environment was included and the virtual suspect to the European Commission, who gave excellent feedback to the work done. Congratulations for the whole consortium!

In this photo, we can see our colleague Carlos Leyva, ICT project manager at IDENER, testing the developed virtual environment.