IDENER contributes to the foundation of PROMETIA Association

IDENER contributes to the foundation of PROMETIA Association

Life at Idener

IDENER contributes to the foundation of PROMETIA Association

PROMETIA, the mineral processing and extractive metallurgy for mining and recycling innovation association has been created as main outcome of the EUROPEM commitment. Such commitment was recognised by the EIP Raw Materials past March. Since them, all the participating members have worked together in order to build PROMETIA as an answer to the missing links between industry and academia. More specifically, the Association aims to strengthen European technical skills and industrial know-how in raw materials processing and support industrial and economic development by:

  • Promoting an easier access for industrial partners to the most relevant and competent European R&D teams as well as to services & facilities for up-scaling metallurgical and mineral processes in Europe
  • Promoting the most innovative cutting-edge scientific results from European research teams towards industrial partners
  • Facilitating the visibility and access of all the partners to various funding opportunities

IDENER has contributed to the creation of the association, being one of its founding members and will attend soon the PROMETIA launching event and First General Assembly to be held at CEA Marcoule.