IDENER in the 1-year-review meeting of FUDIPO in Vienna

IDENER in the 1-year-review meeting of FUDIPO in Vienna


IDENER in the 1-year-review meeting of FUDIPO in Vienna

After one year since the beginning of the project, FUDIPO consortium met last 17-19 October in Vienna to present the project advances and discuss the developments in parallel sessions. Thus, the first day, after the project coordinator opening  (see the photo below), the different developments in each study case and work packages were presented. IDENER, as WP6 coordinator, presented the dissemination activities done up-to-date as well as the planned activities within the next 6 months.

During the second and third day, the case leaders and Tieto discussed and reviewed the case studies in workshops, ending with a workshop on HMI3 platform.

The next meeting, 18-month-review, will take place in Brussels, from 24 to 26th of April.