IDENER joins BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium)

IDENER joins BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium)

Life at Idener

IDENER joins BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium)

IDENER has recently joined BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium). This way, IDENER is now linked to bio-based industries since the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is the private partner in the €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership on Bio-based Industries (BBI) with the EU. This will help the company to go ahead in its R&D strategy, making possible a closer connection with the industry so as to bring innovative products to the market and achieve a better, faster and realiable technology upgrading.

The Bio-based Industries Consortium is a Brussels-based non-profit international association that was established in 2012 to represent the private sector in the BBI. BIC is host to a unique mix of sectors that currently covers agriculture, agro-food, technology providers, forestry/pulp and paper, chemicals and energy. With close to 200 members including large companies, SMEs, SME Clusters, RTOs, universities, technology platforms and associations spread across Europe, BIC brings together an authoritative pool of cross sector and multi-disciplinary expertise in the field of bio-based industries. BIC industrial members have all committed to invest in collaborative research, development and demonstration of bio-based technologies within the BBI.

Main contributions from IDENER side, as well as the new cooperation opportunities to be developed, will be the industrial implementation and integration of bioprocesses thanks to the company capabilities regarding process design and optimisation (specially due to the use of Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation).