Industrial Strategy in Andalusia 2020, Group of experts, La Rábida, Huelva

Industrial Strategy in Andalusia 2020, Group of experts, La Rábida, Huelva


Industrial Strategy in Andalusia 2020, Group of experts, La Rábida, Huelva

In the framework of the ‘Industrial Strategy in Andalusia 2020’, IDENER was invited to be part of the group of experts within the environmental work-group focused on the industrial activities related to metallurgy. During the session, different proposed actions were presented among all the participants in order to deal with the drawbacks of the current situation of the sector from different perspectives. The workgroup conformed for main stakeholders in the sector including industry and administration discussed the proposed actions focusing on the interconnection among industry, academy and administration, support actions to R&D in the treatment of metallic minerals and wastes, metallurgy 4.0 and actions for better energy efficiency in the extractive industry. Main conclusions of the event will be included in further actions of the administration as objectives targeting more innovative and efficient metallurgy processes.