LightCoCe 1st Plenary Meeting takes place in Spain

LightCoCe 1st Plenary Meeting takes place in Spain


LightCoCe 1st Plenary Meeting takes place in Spain

On June 27th and 28th, the LightCoce project consortium has conducted its first plenary meeting at the premises of the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC) hosting 50 participants from consortium members and invited guests. Throughout these two days, different working groups have discussed the advances made in the on-going Work Packages of the project. Moreover, the groups identified any Open Issues, Risks, Next Steps, Roadmap and work out mitigation plans to define the strategies to keep the progress of the work on various fronts.

IDENER gave an introduction of the Setup of cross-sectorial services of the ecosystem (WP3) activities:

  • Activities related to review questionnaires and reports created in T3.1 and T3.2
  • Definition of the Pilot Lines cases
  • Description of the activities to perform in the following 6 months.

Finally, the whole consortium has been invited into two interesting visits focusing on the ceramic industry. The first visit guided the consortium through the ITC ceramic testing and characterisation infrastructures. Another visit was held at the KERABEN facilities dedicated to the production of ceramics.