MIRIA project celebrated its Kick-off meeting(face-to-face mode) and its first public event for stakeholders.

MIRIA project celebrated its Kick-off meeting(face-to-face mode) and its first public event for stakeholders.

Project Kickoff

MIRIA project celebrated its Kick-off meeting(face-to-face mode) and its first public event for stakeholders.

MIRIA project has celebrated its second kick-off metting at the premises of RINA Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A. in Lamezia Terme, Italy.
The project officially stared in June 2022, when it was held an onlie event to begin the activities implementation and its presentation to the oerall consortium. However, due to still some travel limitations, the partners could not meet face-to-face.
In this occasion, in 10th October 2022, MIRIA consortium was able to meet all the participants, workers and researchers involved in the project for the next 4 years.
Additionally, it was organarised the first public workshop of the project to present the project to the press, local authorities and other stakeholders potentially interested in its results (representatives of local health boards, hospitals, private health facilities, the tourism/hospitality sector, the transport sector). The major of the Lamezia Municipality attended to the meeting and highlight the importance of the project innovations contributing to the creation of safer public environments through surface treatments effective against a wide range of pathogens (especially SARS-CoV-2), that can be applied to a variety of everyday objects, from doorknobs to hospital bed linen.
During this meeting, Patricia Royo, as IDENER representative, presented the activities to be conducted from our entity to this project. The major actions will be:

  • to perform a full sustainability analysis (including environmental, economic and social factors) of the newly developed project solutions
  • to model the interaction of the MIRIA coatings and the studied pathogens, based on molecular dynamics
  • to conduct simulations and energy & mass balances of the manufacturing processes


    Mario Tului as coordinator from RINA-CSM mario.tului@rina.org