MORSE project meeting at Dusseldorf, Germany, 3th May 2018

MORSE project meeting at Dusseldorf, Germany, 3th May 2018


MORSE project meeting at Dusseldorf, Germany, 3th May 2018

On May 3th, the members of the MORSE consortium met at Dusseldorf in order to interchange updates on the project execution. The meeting, which lasted one day, was held at the BFI facilities in the city. The meeting was dedicated to the review of the last actions performed for each partner as well as for coordinating the next six months of the scheduled work. Moreover, the meeting was used for discussing the system architecture of the different MORSE use cases as well as the role of each member (and its contributions) for it. IDENER contributions were focused on the scheduling for the next actions on WP3 in which the first task is led by us. Additionally, a summary of the actions done and planned for the dissemination and exploitation of the project results were presented by us, as WP6 responsible.

Lastly, the dates and place for the next consortium meeting were decided. From IDENER side, we are happy to announce that the next meeting will take place in Seville, on November 7 and 8. We will start the preparation as soon as possible in order to ensure a productive meeting and a pleasant stay for our guests.