NEMO project kicks off on Finland, Sotkamo, 22-23 May, 2018

NEMO project kicks off on Finland, Sotkamo, 22-23 May, 2018

Project Kickoff

NEMO project kicks off on Finland, Sotkamo, 22-23 May, 2018

The kick-off meeting of NEMO project took place in Vuokatti (Finland) on 22nd – 23rd May.  The location was close to the Terrafame mine, in Sotkamo, which is one of the case studies of the project.

The first day, all partners introduced their organisations and, after that, work package leaders presented an overview and a preliminary initiation plan for the development of the work. IDENER, as leader of Work Package 5 about pilot integration and process control, gave a presentation about the work package organisation and to-do steps.  Finally, technical initiation meetings addressed by work package leaders were held in parallel in order to specify main actions for the forthcoming months

The last day, short summaries with conclusions of the working groups were presented to EU project officers who attended the meeting. The day ended with a guided visit of the Terrafame mine making stops in the areas of bio-heap leaching, metals recovery, water treatment and the open pit