Tarantula H2020 EU project kicks off in San Sebastian (Spain)

Tarantula H2020 EU project kicks off in San Sebastian (Spain)

Project Kickoff

Tarantula H2020 EU project kicks off in San Sebastian (Spain)

TARANTULA kick-off meeting has been held in San Sebastian during the 4th and 5th of June 2019. This project is funded by the H2020 program of the European Commission and will be carried out by an international consortium led by TECNALIA.

TARANTULA´s main objective is to develop a toolkit of novel, efficient and flexible metallurgical technologies with high selectivity and recovery rates with respect to W, Nb and Ta. The importance of this valuable metals is corroborated by the recently updated Critical Raw Materials list where all three are classified as critical elements, combining major economic importance with an ever-increasing supply risk.

IDENER is directly involved in the modelling and process design of the most promising technology developed within this project. During the meeting, the consortium had the opportunity to get to know all the involved partners and give more details about the upcoming tasks within the work packages. Also, a guided city tour around San Sebastian was organized and the consortium enjoyed having dinner in one of the most beautiful restaurant sited in La Concha.