Find out what went down on the last EMMC Workshop.

Workshop on industrial impact of materials modelling In the EMMC Workshop, which took place in Turin from the 8th to 10th of July, a consistent number of experts from the different stakeholders involved in materials development gathered together in order to provide a discussion platform for industrial requirements as compared to state-of-the-art modelling techniques. The …

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IDENER will attend the final conference of MONSOON project in Turin

IDENER, as the dissemination leader of FUDIPO project and partner of COCOP project, will be attending the final conference of MONSOON project, which is called “Digitized Operations for Sustainable Process Industries Pathway Towards INDUSTRY 4.0”. This conference will be held in Turin (Italy) on September 20th 2019. The workshop will be focused on presenting some …

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LightCoCe 1st Plenary Meeting takes place in Spain

On June 27th and 28th, the LightCoce project consortium has conducted its first plenary meeting at the premises of the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC) hosting 50 participants from consortium members and invited guests. Throughout these two days, different working groups have discussed the advances made in the on-going Work Packages of the project. Moreover, …

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BioRECO2VER Review Meeting in Brussels

On Tuesday, June the 6th, IDENER was in Brussels to attend the first review meeting of the BIORECO2VER project. During this meeting, IDENER (and the other partners involved) exposed to the project officer and an external reviewer their main results during the first 18 months of the project. The work developed by IDENER is mainly …

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ION4RAW project kickoff in Seville to develop innovative technology in raw materials processing in the EU!

IDENER is happy to announce that is leading the ION4RAW H2020 EU project, which proposes an energy-, material- and cost-efficient new mineral processing technology to recover by-products (critical raw materials included) from primary sources by means of innovative Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) ionic liquids and advanced electro-recovery as an only step, including the waste valorisation …

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SDN-microSENSE H2020 eu project kickoff in Seville (Spain)

The SDN-microSENSE (microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm) celebrated its kick-off meeting in Sevilla last week during the 4th and 5th of June. This H2020 project is being coordinated by the Spanish corporation AYESA which is headquartered in Seville. The main objective of the project is to boost the cybersecurity in smart grids. To that end, …

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Tarantula H2020 EU project kickoff in San Sebastian (Spain)

TARANTULA kick-off meeting has been held in San Sebastian during the 4th and 5th of June 2019. This project is funded by the H2020 program of the European Commission and will be carried out by an international consortium led by TECNALIA. TARANTULA´s main objective is to develop a toolkit of novel, efficient and flexible metallurgical …

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CROCODILE consortium meets in Düsseldorf for the M12 meeting

After one year from the beginning of the project, the complete CROCODILE consortium joined together during 22th and 23th May for discussing the achievements and the work developed in this period. The meeting took place in the Goethe Museum in Düsseldorf, a cultural-historical museum devoted to the greatest German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. During …

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ZEOCAT-3D project kickoff in Seville!

ZEOCAT-3D project is a project funded by the H2020 programme of the European Commission. It aims at development of a new bi-functional structured catalysts, achieving for the first time a tetra-modal pore size distribution and high dispersion of metal active sites for the conversion of methane, coming from different sources as natural gas and biogas, into …

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