Careers – We are hiring at ESIEM 2023!

Last Wednesday 22nd March, we had the pleasure of participating in the ESIEM 2023 where the XX Meeting on Engineering and Employment was held at the School of Engineering. It was a very enriching experience, as it not only helped us to show our company to the new generations and solve all their concerns, but …

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IDENER is looking for young talent. ESIEM 2022

Once more, we gladly attended the employment forum organized by the Engineering School of Seville (ETSI). The ESIEM establishes the ideal framework for beginning the relationship between the world of work and the student in the last years of his career or recently graduated. After the situation of the previous few years, we were pleased that the event was …

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Save the date! ESIEM 2020

The strange circumstances of this year have led us to seek innovative solutions for the development of the normal activity of our lives. Once more, IDENER is going to participate in ESIEM The job fair is organized in collaboration between ETSI, ETSIEM and EUROAVIA Sevilla. The entire event will take place electronically. This meeting facilitates the beginning of the relationship between future engineers and …

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IDENER attends ESIEM (University of Seville) for informing about the job opportunities for students and recent graduates

The past 31st April 2019, the University of Seville organised an event called ESIEM, which was an engineering meeting point for students and recent graduates. There, the companies took the opportunity of presenting them and their job opportunities. All the present companies as IDENER were engineering-related. IDENER is offering paid scholarships to those students who …

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IDENER attends University of Seville III job fair

The University of Seville organised the III job fair with the aim of gathering companies and future professionals. IDENER attended the fair with the aim of letting know students and graduates about the job and internship possibilities in the company and its expertise areas. During the journey, we presented the activity of the company and students …

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