Kick-off-meeting of Liberate project, Barcelona (Spain), 18th of October ’18.

Kick-off-meeting of Liberate project, Barcelona (Spain), 18th of October ’18.

Project Kickoff

Kick-off-meeting of Liberate project, Barcelona (Spain), 18th of October ’18.

LIBERATE kick-off meeting was held at Barcelona the 18th of October of 2018. The European Union has awarded a grant of 10 million Euro to LIBERATE, a Horizon 2020 collaborative project carried out by an international consortium led by Leitat. The project partners are research centres and universities such as the Fraunhofer-GesellschaftTNOSINTEFJohannes Gutenberg University MainzUniversity of Alicante, large enterprises like EvonikPerstorp, and Oxiris, and SME’s including CHIMARMegaraNX FiltrationCondiasENSOIdener, and Gate2Growth. The project was officially launched on the 10th of October in Barcelona at Leitat’s headquarters.

LIBERATE will deliver a pilot scale electrochemical plant to demonstrate the commercial opportunities of converting low-cost lignin, extracted from biomass such as wood, in high-value bio-sustainable chemicals. Currently, lignin is being burnt for energy purposes, but LIBERATE aims to change that. The project will extract basic chemicals for the European industry to produce valuable products such as polymers or antioxidants, currently coming from the petrochemical industry.

“With LIBERATE, Europe goes a step further towards a circular economy model. It will make the industry less dependent from imported oil and reduce the impact of industries on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency” says Angel Valdivielso, Project Technical Manager at Leitat.