PROMETIA 6th Scientific Seminar

This year’s PROMETIA Scientific Seminar was held on 21-23 October in Kristiansand, Norway. The program allows for time to network and discuss or draft future collaborative projects. IDENER takes this opportunity to learn about current projects and research in the field of primary, secondary and material recycling. On the first day, the General Assembly of PROMETIA was held. New …

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FUDIPO’s Consortium meets in Istanbul

On the 14th and 15th on October the whole consortium of FUDIPO’s project had a date in Izmit (Instabul) for a progress meeting. The main objective of the reunion was to review the development of the project respect the financial report and the experiences on different case studies. Sorrowfully, IDENER could not attend physically to the gathering. …

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ZEOCAT 3D First Sixth Month Prgress Meeting

The M6 meeting of the ZEOCAT-3D project was hosted by LUREDERRA in their facilities in Los Arcos (Navarra, Spain). In this meeting, all partners presented their work developed in this first 6-month period highlighting their achievements and the goals based on the objectives of each work package in the project. The meeting took 2 days …

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IDENER attends ENI CBC Med Trainning semminars in Rome

During the course, CEOMED team learned the main technical and financial rules for the project implementation and management and criteria for communication and visibility. In addition, the events reinforce networking among the funded projects. The training seminars were organized in the Angelicum Centro Congressi by the support of Aqaba and Valencia Branch Offices and TESIM. …

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IDENER hosts the Kickoff Meeting of AGRICORE in Seville

The Kick-off Meeting of the AGRICORE H2020 Project was held on 24th-25th September 2019 at Aeropolis Business Centre in Seville. The AGRICORE project proposes a novel tool for improving the current capacity to model policies dealing with agriculture by taking advantage of the latest progress in modelling approaches and ICT. As the leader of WP8- …

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