The NEMO M18 meeting: a retrospect.

From Wednesday 13 till Friday 15 November, NEMO consortium members from 8 different counties across the European Union gathered in Leuven to discuss progress and prospectives for the coming months. In this meeting, our new partner Boliden exchanged their ideas for the first time with the group. The meeting kicked off with an exploitation workshop. …

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Cityloops Kickoff in Roskilde, Denmark

During the 28th, 29th and 30th October, the Kick-off Meeting of CityLoops project took place in Roskilde, Denmark. The first day, a Mayors´ Declaration was signed by Municipality of Høje-Taastrup, Municipality of Roskilde, Municipality of Seville, Municipality of Mikkeli, Capital Regional of Denmark and Vallès Occidental Regional Council. On 28th and 29th October, the whole Consortium …

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Morse Consortium Meets in Trondheim, Norway

On the 29th and 30th of October has taken place the second Consortium Meeting of MORSE project in 2019. All MORSE partners have met in Trondheim (Norway) to present and discuss the progress of the research activities of the project. Units process models have been presented for different use cases and planning of forthcoming tasks …

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IDENER steps into Health applications

Recently, IDENER has participated in a medical study about the relationship between Retinal Detachment and Solar Radiation in NW Spain. Our role has been the data analysis and visualization using R Software for Statistical Computing. We have supported Medical Doctors in their better understanding of the relationship RRD and solar radiation. In this way, IDENER …

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AFTERLIFE 3rd General Assembly

During the days 12th and 13th of November, the whole AFTERLIFE’s project consortium met on Madrid with the purpose of presenting the results of the last 6 months of work of the project. Each partner exposed its advances related to each work pack. Moreover, the first exploitation workshop was held. During the first day of meeting …

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IDENER attends to Amsterdam International Water Week 2019

The AIWW was held in Amsterdam from the 4th to the 8th of November. This event serves as a platform that unites industry, academy, and governance to discuss the challenges for water that our society is facing. On the official opening, done by former General-Secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, discussions between parties were encouraged, as …

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The 6th month meeting of the project ION4RAW.

The event, organized by LGI, was held from November 11th to 12th, in Paris (France) at Ko Working. All consortium members attended the meeting, including Tecnalia, Wardell Amstrong, Scotgold, LGI Consulting, PNO Consultants, SINTEF, RINA Consulting-CSM, BRGM, HZDR (Hlmholts-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), Lurederra, the Technical University of Freiberg and IDENER. From Idener, Maria Tripiana (Project Coordinator), Manuel Barragán …

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WHAM partners meet in Avilés (Spain)

At the beginning of November, partners of WHAM project have met for the second consortium meeting of 2019. ArcelorMittal Innovación, Investigación e Inversión has hosted the meeting in the beautiful city of Avilés (Spain) where the steel industry has been an important economic driver of the region. The main focus of the meeting was the …

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First bi-annual meeting of SDN-MicroSENSE project

On the 29th and 30th, the SDN-MicroSENSE consortium had the first face to face meeting in month six of the project. The meeting took place in the beautiful city of Athens where the consortium explored the architecture and requirements of this ambitious cybersecurity project. Additionally, the plans for the next six months per Work package …

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This 2019 Tech Tour, organized in Kristiansand, Norway, allowed the attendees to visit Elkem (pilot facility), Glencore Nikkelverk (nickel, copper and cobalt producer), ReSiTec (recycling test center) and the University of Agder. Young researchers and European engineers from European companies and institutions attended, such as INP Toulouse (France), Idener (Spain), LGI (France), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Eramet (France), IMN (Institute of …

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