Save the date! AFTERLIFE ‘s Workshop is coming.

The BBI JU Horizon 2020 project AFTERLIFE is organising a stakeholder workshop. The workshop will be an online event. In this workshop, the project partners will talk about the project results so far.  AFTERLIFE project stands for a flexible, cost- and resource- efficient process for recovering valorizing relevent fractions from wastewater. Join the discussions about …

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Launch of the Cityloops Website

Visit to check out the new website of the Cityloops Project. This platform is aimed to inspire and give advice about good circularity practices. The Circular Cities platform is a tool to find guidance, inspiration and engage with other peers to get involved in circular initiatives. Subscribe to their newsletter and don’t miss out on anything!

ION4RAW’s Annual Newsletter

Stay tuned for ION4RAW latest project news by signing up for our annual newsletter! We promise not to spam you. Sign up for our newsletter here:

LIGHTCOCE, 3rd Plenary Meeting.

On the 30th of June and the 1st of July, the 3rd of July Plenary Assembly of the LightCoce Project took place via teleconference. The LighCoce Project aims to establish an Open Innovation Ecosystem for upscaling and testing multifunctional lightweight concrete and ceramic materials. LightCoce is part of the significant Open Innovation Test Beds initiative …

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It’s celebration time for IDENER!

10 years ago Idener was born as a spin-off from the Universidad de Sevilla. Today we celebrate more than ever to be part of a team that has become a second home. Delicate times are coming for everyone. That is why we want to pay tribute to all the members that play a part in this little …

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LIBERATE 18M Progress Meeting

On the 11th and 12th of March, the Liberate consortium met virtually through video-conference due to the lockdown restrictions. During the meeting, the partners exchanged recent advances in the project, such as the finalization of the reactors’ design and the selection of the raw materials. Recently, the project started the design of the pilot plant …

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COCOP & FUDIPO Final Workshop

The European Research and Innovation projects COCOP (Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Processes) and FUDIPO ( FUture DIrections of production Planning and Optimised energy- and process industries ) organised their final workshop to be held at TU Dortmund University in Germany. Finally, the meeting was held on-line to prevent further spread of the coronavirus. The objective …

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Idener faces COVID-19

The global crisis of COVID-19 has affected us all. Planning in situations of risk is a crucial factor to safeguard the integrity and health of our colleagues. People are the most important resource that we have at Idener, and for this reason, more than ever we want to take care of the health of our …

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AGRICORE 6M Interim Meeting

On the 4th and 5th of March 2020, the AGRICORE project had its 6M meeting. Although the meeting was planned to take place in Parma the increasing spread of coronavirus, and according to instructions by various Governments and responsible health national authorities, the meeting was held via a teleconference. All partners participated actively presenting recent …

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ZEOCAT3D M12: teleconference due to COVID-19 outbreak

Due to the special circumstances that we are facing because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the physical meeting for month 12 of the ZEOCAT-3D project had to be cancelled. This physical meeting was planned to take place during March in the facilities of the National Center for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS”, in Athens. In order to keep the discussions, …

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